Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Northern Italy has been struck by numerous earthquakes, the strongest ones of magnitudo 5.8 and 6.0.

Many people died, many are homeless and in need of assistance. The earthquakes damaged and destroyed historic churches and castles. Factories and farms have been damaged as well, many animals have died, crashed under the building falling down, including where they produce Balsamic Vinager (Modena), Parmigiano Reggiano (Emilia), just to give you an idea.

There are many ways you can help.

-You can buy some of the Parmigiano from the dairy farms that have been damaged. 
Follow this link and read all the informations, if you're in Italy it's easier but you might be able to buy some even from other countries. Contact them by mail at the . The products that are available are 
– Parmigiano Reggiano 14 months,  11,5 € per kg in packages of 500gr. Or 1kg vacuum sealed ;
– Parmigiano Reggiano 27 months ,13,00 € per kg 
in packages of500gr. Or 1kg vacuum sealed;
– Crema spalmabile (cheese spread) , 11,00 € per kg 
in packages of 250g.

-Money transfer to the Italian Red Cross - Croce Rossa Italiana

Croce Rossa Italiana Donazioni mediante bonifico su conto corrente Bancario 
Codice IBAN: IT19 P010 0503 3820 0000 0200 208 
Intestato a: "Croce Rossa Italiana, Via Toscana 12 - 00187 Roma" 
presso Banca Nazionale del Lavoro - Filiale di Roma Bissolati
Tesoreria - Via San Nicola da Tolentino 67 - Roma
Indicare la causale "Sisma Emilia Romagna"


Iban IT 45 V06285 24202 CC0028006630 made out to Protezione Civile Provincia di Rimini

Reason of wire on the note: "Sisma Emilia Romagna"

-Italians can also help by sending a text message to 45500 to donate 2 euros. 

The fear of another earthquake is still grand, everything helps, and we appreciate the support that is coming from all over the world. 

Thank you. 

Real Italian Kitchen

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